This program is provided to students who are willing to work in Japan under the “Specified Skilled Worker” visa. We will give you the proper Japanese language education to pass both the Japanese test and technical test, and help you to find a job in your field of expertise.
The “Specified Skilled Worker” visa 1 and 2, have been created in April 2019 and, unlike the usual “Working” visa, it doesn’t required to have a bachelor’s degree to be eligible. This new program of Nihongo Center, will help you get the “Specified Skilled Worker” visa 1.
To get this visa, you need to pass a Japanese test (level around N4) and a technical test which depends on the field you want to work in.
There are 12 different fields of work eligible for the “Specified Skilled Worker” visa and you can find a list of the fields below:
Manufacturing industry
Electric and electronic information related industry
Automobile maintenance
Food and beverages manufacturing industry
Food service industry
Nursing Care
Building cleaning
Material processing industry
Industrial machinery
With the “Specified Skilled Worker” visa, you are able to work in Japan for 5 years with the same social advantages as Japanese citizens worker.

The new program at Nihongo Center will ensure you to get the following benefits:
Getting a special course specially related to the Lodging field and Food service industry field. Because these fields requires a lot of contact with customers, a Japanese level around at least the N3 is mandatory. The success rate of students taking the N3 at Nihongo Center is really high (~80%+ of success)
Even if you pass the technical exam, it doesn’t mean that you will get a job right away. You still need to pass different interview with companies and if you match the profile then you can be employed and get the visa.
If you pass the technical exam in your country, you will get the best Japanese language education to be used after even after you have been employed ind Japan.

SPECIAL COURSE during your N3 studies:
Duration : 1 week (Monday to Friday) / 90min/day
Specialty: 1- Food Service Industry
2- Lodging
・Knowledge about service
・Knowledge about food
・Knowledge about Shop Management
・Complaint Handling
・Urgencies Handling
Cost: 30,000 Yen (Material fee included)
Start: After the technical exam has been decided.